Greenfile Developments


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building siteGreenfile Developments works with the UK construction sector to reduce waste. Our signature programme "NoWaste" has been deployed since 2005 and most recently at the London 2012 construction programme at both the Olympic Park and the Athletes Village.

Construction presents a number of unusual challenges: a cyclic industry with a need to comply with an ever-increasing volume of environmental legislation, an extensive system of subcontracting, a highly mobile workforce as well as a range of skills from world-class professionals to unskilled labourers. The NoWaste® deployments address these factors by engaging everyone with a practical and pragmatic range of tools and techniques tailored for different needs and capabilities.

NoWasteBy making the productivity message appropriate for different individuals, this means that everyone can be active at their appropriate level. The aim is to ensure that both the strategy and operations are aligned to corporate needs and customer requirements.

The aim in the case of the NoWaste® programme is to enhance overall productivity by reducing waste. Unlike most conventional waste management schemes, which are environmental/ recycling orientated, the NoWaste approach is on innovations and improvements to business processes reduce all kinds of waste, whether materials, time, talent and money.

The NoWaste® implementation at the London 2012 construction programme achieved 13% waste reduction in 6 months. It was selected as part of the London 2012 Learning Legacy " share the knowledge and lessons learned from the London 2012 construction project to raise the bar within the construction sector and to act as a showcase for UK plc..." (source: London 2012 Learning Legacy website). The NoWaste® training elements are linked to various National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) that range from Level 2 (waste management) to Level 5 (construction site operations).
