Greenfile Developments


returnGreen Capabilities

There is a lot of interest on "green skills", how just about every job has to be redefined with a new green focus. Is this expense necessary?

We don't think so.

green capabilitiesWe believe that most people need not go through a new job definition, extensive retraining or expensive reaccreditation. We believe that sustainability can be achieved by having the effective governance, effective processes and procedures and effective people.

In many ways, we believe that having green capabilities is not too different to having an effective organisation, a quality-centric organisation, or a caring organisation.

How will this work? An effective organisation will get things done whilst using the optimal level of resources. This means delivering results and minimising the impact on the environment.

Most people know how to do their work and they also know when wastes occur. By setting up a framework that gives them the necessary information to make the right decision, you will find that for a majority of everyday tasks, there is little need for introducing new green skills for everyone.

This is because for everyone besides those working in environmental compliance areas, waste reduction is the most natural and effective way for everyone to become "greener". Moreover, this type of going green actually saves money - reducing costs through reducing waste. (and the savings can help pay for the conventional environmental management activities: auditing, compliance and recycling - all cost-centre activities.

We can help you transform your organisation and develop its green capabilities.
